Generate new Facebook group member leads on Autopilot

Collect emails and responses from new members and seamlessly integrate them into Google Sheets.

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✓ No credit card required ✓ No time limit on Free plan
Group Leads Collector Screenshot

Group Leads Collector helps you to convert new Facebook group members into leads within your preferred email marketing software.

Pricing & Plans

Get started for free. No credit card required, cancel anytime. 7 Days Moneyback Guarantee.



Per user / month

7 days free trial



Per user / month

7 days free trial



Per user / month

7 days free trial

Facebook groups


Sync email leads to Google Sheets

Auto-approve membership (accept rules, answer all questions, require email, require password)

Automatically send welcome messages to new group members

Unified group membership request dashboard

Batch selection Batch approval

Support private and public groups

Export leads from the dashboard in CSV Excel and JSON formats

Create FB custom lookalike audiences

Optional: Sync leads to Google Sheets even if you decline membership



Per user / month Get Started

7 days free trial



Per user / month Get Started

7 days free trial



Per user / month Get Started

7 days free trial

Get 50% off when you choose yearly plan!

6,800 people have said how good Rareblocks

Our happy clients say about us

“It serves its purpose perfectly. This tool saves me a lot of time. Very simple to use and works really well. I am glad I got the extension. Saves me hours of manual work.”

Michael Ali

Social Media Marketer

“Loved using group leads collector! It has worked very well and saved me a lot of time in managing my facebook group.”

Tony Kim

Digital Marketer

“This works!! Worth every penny. This extension will save you so much time you'll wonder why it took you so long to get it.”

Jenny Kline

Facebook Ads Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

Where you can get questions to common questions about Group Leads Collector


How to turn on Participant Approval with public group?


How to restore my subscription?

Find your subscription order id in your payment email inbox. Go to Pro page, click the "Change token" button, enter your email and order id then submit.


How to cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your premium subscription at any time, by clicking the PRO button, and finally clicking the CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION button.

Didn’t find the answer you are looking for? Contact our support

100% money back guarantee.

We know you're gonna love our professional services, but let us prove it. If our service hasn't exceeded your expectations after 7 days, you'll get a full refund. Simple as that.

Group Leads Collector logoGroup Leads Collector

Group Leads Collector helps you to convert new Facebook group members into leads within your preferred email marketing software.

Need Help?

Send us an email at [email protected] if you have any questions. We'll help you out.

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